Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Q: Why do girls sigh?

A: bwah ha ha! I only know of ONE girl who does this on a regular basis, so that question just made me laugh. I wish I could answer this in person so I could demonstrate the different sighs, and their meanings, but alas, I can not, because then your identity would have to be revealed.

So...I will attempt to explain in words. If it is a sweet sigh, kind of like an ahhhhh. That's a good thing. Something just made us happy. If it's a huffy kind of sigh, you just frustrated us. If there is an extremely deep breath taken before the sigh, we are getting ready to huff & puff & blow your house down, you just made us really, really mad!

happy dating! `A


  1. I know who the sigher is....

  2. Thanks Brian for asking the question!

    I have a question Andrea. What do you do when the guy is just a friend but is always trying to be a pimp and it gets on your nerves?

  3. Megan, you tell him to quit being a shark. No one likes sharks.

  4. HAHA! Good one Andrea! I'll take my time telling him that one. I have to pick my battles ;)
