If you've ever had a question about dating, I'm your girl. Ask away.....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
what we really want....
I now have inspiration for a new post.
Guys, Guys, Guys.....we need to talk. Seriously, pull it together. Grow up. We're not door mats that you can walk over. We're not sitting around waiting on you. We're amazingly awesome, powerful women. Accept it.
In middle school, ok even in high school, our worlds revolved around you. Everything we did revolved around how it was going to make us look to guys. We cared about what we wore (even though later in life we learn y'all don't even pay attention to our new shoes or amazingly cute purses) because we wanted to look great for you. We tried to go to the "right" places because we wanted you to notice. We joined the right clubs so you would think we were cool.
In college, some girls truly are there only to earn their MRS degree. Some are still just as boy crazy, while some use the time to develop amazing life long friendships. Either way, we are still "on the hunt" for you. Then.....we graduate. We still have not found "Mr. Right" and we eventually move on. We get a job, we learn to pay our own bills, we learn to fix things, because we have to, not because we want to, we become successful. Our worlds no longer revolve around you. Do we give up? Absolutely not, but our worlds do not revolve around finding Mr. Right anymore. We have come to realize that at the right time he will come along. We begin to plan our worlds around our dreams and desires....yes I said OUR dreams and desires. It is ridiculous for a young woman to plan her life around a man who is non-existent in her life yet. Does this mean we no longer plan on marrying? Nope, you just have to learn that you can't sit around on your butt planing for a man who may not come for another five years. Do the things that make you happy. Get a dog (if you want one, if you're not sure if you can handle it, get a plant first). Buy a house. Go to Alaska. Sponsor a child. Volunteer. Enjoy life. You only get one. Never have any regrets. Make the dash count!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Is it Love or Lust?
A: No I do not believe in love at first sight. I believe in "lust" at first sight, but I don't think you immediately fall in love with someone the moment you meet. I believe you can be extremely attracted to the person at your first meeting, and I believe you can have great "chemistry" i.e. good conversation, make each other laugh, a little flirting going on, but no, I do not believe you immediately fall in love at first sight!
What do you think Guyru?
I can't argue with that. As Ludacris said, "It was lust at first sight..." (from the song "Sugar" by Trick Daddy feat. Cee-Lo & Ludacris). Also, from the (great) movie The Devil's Advocate: "Kevin Lomax: What about love? John Milton: Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." (At least, as far as love at first sight goes.)
Monday, May 31, 2010
How to ask a woman out
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ladies Man, Player, or Loser?
A: If other junior high school kids are around, he'll be the envy of them all. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure no one cares.
If he has on tons of bling, a suit complete with cane & top hat, and a gold grill, people will think he's a pimp. If he is old, people will think he's Hugh Hefner (if, of course, the women are, well.....playmate material). If he is ugly, people will think he is rich. If none of the above are the case, and what we have is just an average guy with average girls, then yes, as the guyru said, probably no one will even notice.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Natural Woman
A: I think girls get more "fixed up" for the people they may encounter along the way rather than their guy. If you think about it, if the two of you are just hanging out at the house for the night, rarely do you get all dolled up, usually a t-shirt & jeans will do. We all know make-up does wonders for some women, but apparently guys still prefer the "natural look" better, don't the Guyru?
This is an interesting one. I, myself, like the "natural" look, even if it's not the best for some girls. Here's why. Guys are visual, primarily, when it comes to attraction but there's more to it than the "cover girl" visual attraction. Getting all fixed up is great for taking a picture where you're posed and only get "one chance" to look good - i.e. the "cover girl". But in real life, you're rarely "posed" like that all the time. You're moving around, making different expressions, the wind's blowing, etc. Some people can hold a good smile for a picture, or be really photogenic, but just not have the same "look" about them day-to-day. It's much more ... alluring to see a girl "in action". I really do think it's something to do with the way Hollywood has conditioned us all to think we have to look like a model all the time. That's unrealistic and maybe unhealthy. I think there's a big disconnect between the way we think we're supposed to look based on the media and what's really attractive in real life. I also think that makeup can be bad for your skin - you never get any sun on your face, and you've seen those people who have a totally different shade on their body compared to their face. Weird. Maybe it's the fact that a girl with the "natural" look seems to have let her guard down; like it's somehow more inviting or she's more approachable. Maybe the natural look is more like what you can expect to wake up next to in the morning (always handy to know beforehand). Perhaps it's poise or the way some "natural" girls carry themselves, but being comfortable in your own skin goes a long way for guys and girls. And I'll say the cliche again: Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone!
Friday, May 14, 2010
facebook status change?
A: I say let him lead. When he's ready to be "in a relationship" he will change his status. Your status doesn't have to be "single", you can just leave your relationship status as a mystery to all of your profile viewers.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
living arrangements
A: Well, first of all, it depends on the type of lady you are trying to bring home.
First we will discuss the dwelling...
Apartment = Less able to commit. With an apartment you are only having to "commit" to something for one year at a time. It also says you don't have time to commit to yard work or house repairs (or don't want the responsibility). It could also say you do not plan on staying in the town for an extended period of time.
House = A little less of a commitment-phobe (even if you are renting). The location of the house is important also. In a college town, if you live in a house close to campus it says you're a little more on the social side of life. You like to party it up and be in the action when there are activities on campus. If you live in a neighborhood it says you prefer more of a family like atmosphere, quiet nights, walks, and sitting on the porch sipping lemonade (which, who does this by the way?). If you live out in the boon-docks it says you're a country boy at heart and like outdoorsy activities.
Now the living situation...
Alone = a little more stable, have grown out of the college life, you're more into "grown up" things. Could also say you've grown to have things your way, and could have issues in transitioning to "sharing space" again. It also says you can afford to live alone.
With roommates = Still enjoy the company of others, possibly could mean you haven't realized you're not in college anymore OR it could say I can't afford to live by myself. Depending on the number of roommates with whom you live also says a little something about you. One roommate is not too big of an obstacle, you may have to negotiate for time in the den, but overall, there aren't too many issues to deal with. Multiple roommates could bring about problems, rarely will you have the house to yourself, much less the den or kitchen.
With parents = Two words: Momma's boy. Not cool. (Unless you're still in high school)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
who picks up the tab?
A: So in this situation, maybe it is to catch up or maybe it's to keep on going. Either way I'd say just go with it and let what unfolds unfold. There will probably be enough body language and such exchanged you'll figure out pretty quick if it's a "date" or not a date. With that being said, who picks up the cheque? One of my favorite ways to handle this is to bring a buy 1 get 1 free coupon and when you go to order your entrĂ©e, you say to the waiter …"and she will have an item of equal or lesser value," as you slide the coupon to the waiter. [note to self...Guyru is a cheapskate and will not be taking you to a five-star restaurant! If on a date with the Guyru you will more than likely be served at a restaurant where there are pictures of the entrees on the menu board, and you will probably hear the phrase "would you like fries with that".]
But lets say you haven't prepared that far in advance. Guys or girls, here's what I would do when it comes to paying. If the other individual offers to pay and you don't want them to, you say "ohh that's not necessary", but if they insist, then let them. If you are wanting to pay and you hear that line, then politely reply, "well if you're sure" and then let them pay for theirs.
If it's NOT considered a date, but you want it to be, guys, a free meal for her probably isn't going to change things [Precisely! You will not win me over with a free meal, although if you do not at least offer to pay, you will certainly lose points!]. If the girl offers to pay for you on a date, guys - you may have a keeper! [Never have I done this!, ok well, maybe not never, but usually only after we've been dating for a long time, and I do it to just to be nice].
Girls, social custom tells us the guy pays. Heading that off by paying for your own does send a signal. BUT: I like a female who doesn't have to play by the rules. Just make sure if you pick up your own tab, and want it to be a date, send some clear signals that there will be a future (with him in it). [I like the social custom, I like to be "taken care of", and I will certainly let you pay if you want to! I realize I do not speak for ALL of the female world, but I do feel I speak for the majority of them.]
* Guyru's response in blue * Guru's response in red
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
things to NEVER say to a single woman
- It will happen when you least expect it. - Really? It happens every single day to people who are waiting, looking for it and wanting it to happen.
- There are plenty of fish in the sea. Thank you captain obvious. We KNOW this, but when we've just been heart broken, this really doesn't help. We don't need plenty of fish, we just need one.
- You're too picky. Are you kidding me? Not only have you just insulted my taste in men and my morals you've made me feel like my singleness is somehow my fault, and I should just "settle down" with the next man that walks by. I'd rather stay single than settle!
- You'll find the right one....someday. I think I already knew that, no fortune teller there.
- Just have fun while you can, enjoy your singleness. So if marriage is such a horrible thing, and fun ends the day you say "I do" why are so many people continuing to marry? There must be something to it.
- I wish I was still single. Last time I checked you could be. I can't magically make Mr. Right appear, but you can make Mr. Wrong disappear.
- I just want to know why you don't have a boyfriend! I understand you're trying to communicate that you think I'm attractive, and have some great qualities to offer a guy, but what I hear is "What is wrong with you, you're just too picky!"
- You'll be next (when said @ a wedding). Have you been looking into your crystal ball sister Sylvia? You have no idea when I'm getting married.
- It just wasn't meant to be. Very comforting. I'm getting warm fuzzies all over right now just thinking about how meaningful those words are.
- Better hurry up, that clock is ticking. You actually think I haven't thought of that? Tick, tick, tick....I hear it in my head all the time.
- Maybe you're just not trying hard enough, you need to put yourself out there more. So, should I be standing on the street corner holding a sign that says "Hey, I'm single & ready to mingle"?
- It's time to move on. Ok, so yes, you may be right, sometimes we do need friends to tell us to get up off our butts and quit crying in front of a closed door, but if we're not READY to move on, is that beneficial to the next guy we date, ummm no.
- Well when Sam and I met...... When did this turn into your story? I still want to talk about me! How can you give me advice on how to date in my late 20s/30s when you got married at 22? Your story about how you had to wait sooooo long really is not valid in my mind, I'm a lot older, and have been waiting a lot longer.
Monday, May 3, 2010
throwing the meat out there...
A: I say it depends on the type of communication you are having with this potential suitor. If it is in person (i.e. @ work/church/mutual group of friends) it would be less time than if it is via email/text/social networking etc. I say if it's in person after about a month or month & a half of putting out signals and getting nothing in return, then retreat. If via the internet maybe a couple of months. A guy knows pretty quickly if he's at least interested or not, he's just gotta decide if he wants to do something about it.
(The Guyru would tend to disagree; it all depends on how direct you're being and what kind of response you're getting - online or off. If you're straight up asking him/her out, then once, MAYBE twice, is plenty if you get a response like "no, I have to be up by noon tomorrow and I don't want to oversleep so I can't do anything tonight." Ultimate answer is it's too subjective to put a time limit on it, and it's proportional to how strongly you're coming on to them vs the reaction you're getting. I don't think that online or offline changes anything.)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
the marriage bed
Friday, April 30, 2010
A: For those of you who are thinking "what in the world is anuptaphobia" let me help you out. If you break it down, you can probably figure out the meaning (wow! that just sounded very teacher-ish) moving on..... a (without) - nupta (nuptials) -phobia (fear of).....get it? a fear of being without nuptials? Thank you wikianswers for helping us out here: "The fear of being alone or marrying the wrong person in life".
I bet almost every single woman thinks this everyday, however, if it's at phobia level....that could be problematic. Most of us think "are we EVER gonna find 'Mr.Right'?" In our head, we know someday our Prince Charming will come along, but in our heart, we feel lonesome and unloved because no one "wants" us. There are periods of our lives where we feel more alone, and periods where we are perfectly content in our singleness. For the average girl/lady/female we don't dwell in this "phobia" but it does cross our minds frequently.
I realize that question could have been answered with a simple "yes", but that wouldn't have made a very good blog post!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Should "blind dates" be completely "blind"?
A: I say yes, in this day of technologically savvy people, it would not be "inappropriate" to befriend a potential suitor (or suitee, I don't think that's actually a word, but I like it; therefore I'm going with it). It gives you the chance to see if you have similar interests, and it takes away some of the "scariness" of the "blind" part of the date. If there are certain parts of your profile you do not want this potential date to view: a) should these things even be on your profile, and b) if it's perhaps work information, and you don't want them to know where you work just yet (so they won't be sending you flowers pre-date or anything creepy like that), then you could create a limited profile view for him (or her as the case may be) to view. If by chance you do have to defriend them later, who cares, it's not like they will get a notification that says "Jane Doe just defriended you" they will HOPEFULLY get the hint if they search for you and y'all are no longer friends.
As it turns out, I've encountered this question myself. I don't really see any harm in "friending" them. In fact, the only harm I can see is that it would take some of the mystery out of the whole "getting to know" the other person (remember my comments on "too much information"). Not that it's a bad thing to find some commonality, it's just the "mystery" of dating is what's so entertaining (entertaining for women, that is; for some reason mystery = "romance" for women. Guys don't think that way.) It's actually probably a good thing for guys too, because the candidate can go ahead and pass or fail the attractiveness test! (Thanks Guyru, now if someone is trying to set us up, the guy friends us, and then never asks us out, we're going to think it's because he thinks we're ugly!)
Monday, April 26, 2010
The subtle art of "manning-it-up" summary!
Mistake #1: "I'm free every night / all weekend!"
Mistake #2: Telling way too much information.
Mistake #3: Disclosing uncomfortable medical conditions immediately.
Mistake #4: Announcing your really weird hobbies or stating the obvious.
Mistake #5: Talking about your ex.
Here's a handy rule: If it comes from an orifice of the body, don't talk about it! examples: vomiting, diarrhea, snot, boogers, ear wax etc....get it? Also, as my dad always said, "If in doubt....DON'T", So if you aren't sure if you should say something or not, be safe, DON'T!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The subtle art of "manning-it-up" Part IV
Mistake #4: Announcing your really weird hobbies or stating the obvious.
Guys, if she isn't into hunting, and you announce that you're an amateur taxidermist you're probably making a mistake. Let her discover all the poorly stuffed, dead animals at your place a little later on. Also, she might be willing to take it for granted that you've got a "collection" of common items that everyone has. "Want to come over and watch TV? I've got all the cable channels." (How exclusive.) Now, if you have a collection of all the Martin Scorsese films, and she's into that, then you've got a different situation.
Guyru is so right, if you have a unique collection, which you think she'd be interested in, it is ok to mention it. If it is a fairly common household amenity, do not act as if you have a rarity! - Did you catch the phrase "which you think she'd be interested in" This is key! You may, for instance, have a rare coin collection, this indeed is not an everyday household amenity, however, for me personally.....BOR-ING! Running water = everyday household amenity = doesn't impress me. Understand?
Mistake #5: Talking about your ex.
Don't. Get over him/her already. Enough said.
NEVER! You are out of luck whether you talk positively or negatively about an ex. If you talk about how she was an amazing cook, you're in the dog house because now we feel we won't "match up" to her mad cooking skills. If you mention what a slut she was, and how she cheated on you, you're still in the dog house! a) we're thinking what kind of guy are YOU if you would date someone so slutty; b) we're thinking you're still hung up on her if you're still angry about the situation and c) we're thinking what kind of character do you have to talk about someone in that manner?
NEVER! GET IT? NEVER talk about an ex! (now please remember this is only in the beginning stages of a relationship, at some point there will need to be discussions about past relationships, but those occur during a more mature phase of the relationship!)
Remember, be honest, but put your best foot forward. (That would be the foot without the ingrown toenail(s). If you've got one on each foot...wear shoes.)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The subtle art of "manning-it-up" Part III
Mistake #3: Disclosing uncomfortable medical conditions immediately.
I'm not going to go into too much detail on this because it's a whole other topic in itself and it can involve some very sensitive ethical issues, like STDs, and I'm not touching that. (No pun intended.) But, you sure wouldn't want to let it slip that you "thought you had chronic nosebleeds until the doctor said they'd stop if you'd just keep your finger out of there." Or that time you had to be treated for lice, again...last week. Guys, keep it clean; and by clean I mean hygienic. Don't tip her off that you're a slob right off the bat. (There's one exception: if you're in a band, you are exempt from showering, getting a haircut, wearing "normal" clothing, etc.) Guru - seeing the pattern here? Your response would be...?
As always, right again Guyru. Any chronic health condition/improper hygiene condition gives us the wrong impression. You don't want to "air your dirty laundry" up front! Now granted, if you're allergic to peanuts, and we were trying to showcase our Betty Crocker skills by making you a peanut butter pie, please let us know about this allergy. We won't be offended, and we will appreciate not having to perform CPR on our first date.
*If you are in a band, please continue to brush your teeth.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The subtle art of "manning-it-up" Part II
Mistake #2: Telling way too much information about yourself.
This is easy to do. Why? Because we all like to talk about ourselves. But how many times do we really, I mean really, enjoy hearing every last detail about someone else's moderately-to-non-interesting story? For example, say you (the female) just started playing badminton and casually say you need someone to practice with. What's the better response from a guy overhearing this?
A) "You play badminton? Where do you play badminton? I used to play tennis, but I hurt my elbow when I was rocking a Coca-Cola machine trying to get a free drink at the tennis courts. You see, I'd just dropped my wallet in the toilet and the machine wouldn't take my wet dollars. My grandmother was sure ticked when she came to pick me up!" (For purposes of this post we've got to assume that this is true, but it's worthwhile to note that if you've already got her laughing, and this line is not in fact true and you are kidding, then it just might work - sense of humor is one of the better qualities to have, and it shows that you aren't "scared to death" of her.)
B) "You play badminton? How long have you been doing that? I'm pretty competitive, but I might slow down for ya."
Hopefully you picked option "B". Option A, unless you're kidding and she's in the mood for kidding, is far too much information. Bad information. Option B has plenty of invitation for her to come back and ask for more detail on your competitive badminton career, or even say "you're on!" And that's what you want - to spark some interest in her about you.
Guru - how do you handle a guy making mistake #2?
Correct again Guyru! If you are kidding, then Option A MIGHT work. Otherwise, Option B is the correct answer. This gives us the opportunity to "take the bait" so to speak, and offer a competitive game of badminton. If however, we are not interested, or perhaps too stupid to catch on, then we will just laugh it off, answer your question about how long we've been playing, and give you no other "signals" to pursue us.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The subtle art of "manning-it-up" Part I
So guys; it's come to my attention that "manning-it-up" isn't quite as easy and fun as females make it sound. In fact, if overdone it can get pretty annoying pretty quickly to the fairer sex. So this post is dedicated to those among you who don't quite see the fine line between laying the bait and hoping to make a catch, versus hitting her over the head with a club and dragging her back to your place (BTW - the latter is not legal, anymore). Girls, this isn't a free ride for you either. I'd really like to hear from the Dating Guru as to how a girl goes about giving the hint that she's not interested in someone who's overly-manning-it-up, without unwittingly encouraging the thick-witted guy into further pursuit. As Ricky Ricardo would say, "Let me 'splain..."
Common mistakes you might find yourself making when "manning-it-up" (this is for GUYS! Girls, feel free to offer an Amen!).
Mistake #1: "I'm free every night/all weekend!"
If a girl says to a guy that she doesn't have any plans this weekend, that's a cue for a guy to pursue. If a guy says "I can do something any night this week, and I'm free all weekend," well, that just screams looser! I don't know why, and it's perfectly ok to have a slow week/weekend, but you have to preserve some of the mystery! At least pretend your time is valuable, and you are selective with it. Girls like to think they're getting something special. So you should probably suggest one particular day/time when manning-it-up. If she says no, and doesn't suggest another day/time, then tactfully say "well perhaps when you're less busy". Do not say "Well how about the next day? Or the day after that?" That = Desperate. (Desperate = Bad, in case you didn't know.)
Guru - how do you handle a guy making mistake #1? Remember when you posted "I think I would rather you actually tell me the truth than 'soften the blow'."? I know it's a little out of context but, well, unless you tell the guy "You're coming across as totally desperate and it's a big turn-off," then you're softening the blow, right? So...? What to do.
The Guyru is right on here - Amen! Now granted, we all have weekends where we are busy for its entirety, and then we have weekends where all we do is lay on the couch, eat popcorn, and watch T.V. As a girl, if a guy says to me: "Do you want to get together?" , and then he proceeds to say he's available any night, it does scream desperate/loser! If you are totally available, what I gather from that is "I have no friends to do anything with, and no social groups/clubs, and do not engage in any extracurricular activities" Now granted, I do realize what you're TRYING to say is "I really think you're awesome, and because of this, I want to do something with you whatever night is good for you."
The best way to handle the situation is this: Would you like to get together Friday night? If I really do have something to do on Friday night, AND I really would like to take you up on your offer, I will suggest an alternative day....i.e. "Oh I'd love to, but I've already got plans Friday night, could we get together Saturday night, or maybe next weekend?" If I'm not interested, and I'm trying to blow you off, I'll say "I'm sorry I have other plans." I will give no reasoning nor will I offer alternative days.
As a side note, ladies remember not to be too available either. If you're always available, the guy will begin to realize you'll drop anything to be with him; therefore, he will begin to see you as a "back-up plan" in case nothing else works out for him that night/weekend. He will begin to think YOU are the loser with no social life whatsoever.
Stay tuned for more mistakes to avoid!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
cry me a river......
A: Heck no! Being the guru of dating, you can imagine the tears I've caused to flow over the years, and never once have I reversed my decision! If I'm breaking up with you, there is something that annoys me, bothers me, irritates me, or is morally compromising about you. No tears are going to change this! You [the girl] may allow emotions to drive your decision for this short time, but sooner or later, the annoyance will surface again & you will be forced to go through the "break-up talk" again!
p.s. if you insist on trying the crying tactic anyway, here are some tips: eyes watering up is ok, a small tear here & there is acceptable, but sobbing, & barely being able to catch your breath = big cry baby.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
a little cheap date help.....
Here are the reasons:
1) It costs $3/person to get in - so far you're only out $6!
2) There are a lot of places you can roam for free once you are in the park. You can go on a hiking trail, go to the beach area, go fishing, or my favorite, the playground!
3) You could also rent a paddle boat or a canoe [as a girl I'd recommend the paddle boat, reasons to follow]. $7/hr - now you're only out $13!
4) If you prefer, you could bring a picnic lunch/dinner, or you could just make it a long afternoon affair.
Why do I say paddle boat over the canoe? a) less likely to topple over b) you get to sit next to each other and gaze into one another's eyes....I mean talk c) perhaps you accidentally both reach for the steering wheel at the same time and "accidentally" hold hands....perhaps. d) she's less likely to get wet.
What do you get out of this? Well, in case you haven't noticed, it's a pretty cheap way to have an amazing date. You also get to see if your girl likes to get dirty. You'll get to see a more "natural" side of her. I wouldn't recommend this for a FIRST date [because we girls really like to get all dolled up for the first date or two, and outdoorsy dates cause us wardrobe predicaments!]. Hope you have a similar park close by because this is highly recommended!
Here is a link for the Alabama State Parks! http://www.alapark.com/
Saturday, April 10, 2010
what he/she means.......
"That's fine" = I really still think you're wrong, but I am not in the mood to argue with you.
"You got a new hair do" = I think you look weird, but I'm suppose to say something, and I can't think of anything nice to say right now.
"You look really nice tonight" = You look smokin' hot!
"I'll call you" = I may or may not call you, I have no idea whatsoever on how to end this night.
"Uh-huh, sure" = I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying, and I'm hoping an uh-huh will get me out of this. [Not to be confused with the more common "uh-huh" which is intended to mean Yes I'm paying attention, carry on, but it really means I'm not paying attention but keep going on as if I was.]
"I'm really not sure what I want right now." = I don't want you. [I'm sure it isn't you.]
"I've just been busy" = I've really just been sitting around watching TV, but you didn't really impress me much. [This can go for both guys & girls].
What she means, when she says...........
"Which outfit do you like better?" = Compliment me.
"I don't know, what do you want to do tonight?" = Entertain me. [I'm so tired of having to decide what to do every time we go out. Make a decision for once.]
And, the always-popular "Does this outfit make me look fat?" = Yes I know it's not the outfit that makes me look fat, it's all the extra weight I've put on that makes me look fat but you'd better not say that out loud! [Can also mean: You haven't told me I look hot/beautiful/gorgeous lately].
"I don't want to ruin our friendship." = I do like you as a friend, but I'm not attracted to you at all.
"Well, what I think WE need to do is..." = What I want is.....
"You can go if you want to" = You're gonna regret that decision later.
Monday, April 5, 2010
it's all about instincts.....
A: Well young lads, there is a combination of factors that leads us to this. First, you must remember that it's really a small, small world and girls talk. You'll soon learn that girl #1's first cousin's best friends sister is girl #2's sister-in-law (or something similar). Second, while it does sound crazy, our gut instinct is truly a God given gift that leads us to many conclusions, which usually end up being factual. Third, we can tell by your actions that you're not ready to be exclusive. If you were wanting to be exclusive you would show more interest in us, and be more purposeful in your efforts to date us. Y'all are also horrible at making up excuses when we ask you to do something & you have plans with another girl.....we see right through them!
Now, on to the second part of your question. Why does that make a girl want to be exclusive even more? Have you ever heard the phrase "you always want what you can't have?" When we know (or have a feeling) you are "playing the field", it makes us want to "win". We see it as a challenge because you have several girls you are juggling, and we want to know that we were the best of all of your choices. We want to know that we were the one who was able to make you "settle down". It all comes down to the games we play in the dating world.
Friday, April 2, 2010
we just want a man who will listen
Thursday, April 1, 2010
this is no April Fools.....
You all remember back in junior high when one of your female friends liked a boy and was like 'he's so cute but don't tell anyone I like him!' Well, the normally well-informed and always correct Guyru of Dating has realized today that this behavior continues in full grown, otherwise normal women (in case you can't tell, he's totally talking about me, glad to know I'm "otherwise normal") when there's a guy they like. The Guyru of Dating is always honest with ya, loyal readers, and I'm honestly perplexed by this. I mean, if a guy has a buddy with an interesting (read "good looking") female friend then he's gonna say to his buddy "Dude, she's hot! Hook me up!" But apparently it doesn't work the same way for the ladies. So, Guru of Dating, please elaborate on the female perspective on this situation."
Well, Guyru, in reality, it is the truth. We are terrified for the guy in question to actually find out we like him. We are afraid he may say "ewww gross, I would never date her", and then our soul, our ego, our entire world would be crushed, because we have then been rejected. We are also afraid that we may actually run into him in public after this rejection, and we would then want to crawl under a rack of clothing, which would be embarrassing when we have to crawl out from under the rack of clothing and people stare at us.
This is how we would like for the situation to play out: girl likes guy. girl & guy have a mutual friend. girl tells mutual friend about this "crush". mutual friend then brings up said girl in a casual conversation with said guy. if said guy gives any indication that he is also interested in said girl THEN mutual friend tells said guy that said girl likes him. otherwise, situation goes unmentioned, said girl is informed that said guy did not show any interest. said guy never knows someone thought he was a hottie. did ya get that?
So, to summarize, the guy is still going to have to "man it up" one way or another!
Monday, March 29, 2010
coffee & chat, or more than that?
A: Interested. You said only acquaintances in school. That's pretty telling. I've got acquaintances from school (and I spent some time in school). If they were guys I was getting back in touch with, no big deal. If they were girls, and pay attention to this part: if I wasn't already hanging out with them when I was in school, then yeah; "getting together to catch up" = interested. (Notice the period there, ending the paragraph, and the discussion. I'm that certain.)
Why the sporadic contact since then? Let it be a mystery no more. This fella no longer lives around here, right? You remember when your buddy the Guyru of Dating gave the advice to take a relationship offline if you want it to go anywhere? Same thing. If you were only acquaintances, then you had one "date" and he was back out of town again...well, how many good email conversations can you swap and call it a relationship? I know, it can happen and there's always exceptions. But, this sounds like an open & shut case. Interested, but unavailable, even if only because of distance. Maybe he was just testing the waters, taking a safe risk or playing what-if. I'm going to leave it at that.
When guys you were only "acquaintances" with back in the day suddenly reappear and want to "catch up", ask yourself this, ladies: "catch up on what? We were just acquaintances!" Of course he's at least a little interested! What he wants is to pick up where he left off. (One important exception: if he's since become a traveling salesman, this could be a deciding factor. If the conversation goes toward your insurance coverage, investment portfolio, tupperware, etc. then he's interested...in your money!) To tell you the truth, the Guyru of Dating is thinking women enjoy being confused about these things! (I think we do like to "make" things more complicated than they really are!)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
another one for the guyru...
A: It sounds like you read his profile and he actually included some accurate/helpful info. So, your first goal is to get him the heck off of FB unless you want a pen pal!
Here's how you do that:
Scour (ladies he means stalk) his profile info for some kind of activity or place he might frequent (I'm assuming he's local/in your area). Then, you don't have to be totally forward and "man it up" or anything (yes, I'm being sarcastic at male/female relations there; I hope you picked up on it) BUT drop some kind of hint for an offline meeting. For example, say he posts something like "I shore luv me some runnin'!" Then you open up with something corny like "Hey I just realized I went to elementary school with you" (unless you were a big dork in elementary school), then blah blah blah, THEN you drop your hint for him to pick up on and act on. In this example: "I just started running 30 minutes ago! (How ironic.) Where do you run?" Or something like that. You see where I'm going with this: do just what the Dating Guru would advise, plus take it the heck off FB quick unless you want a platonic pen pal, ya dig? If he's at all interested he'll pick up on the hint and respond with "I run out at tha rodeo field at Sokol park. Y'ought to come run sometime, I'll slow down fore ya." Apparently the guyru thinks you have fallen in love with a rodeo clown!
Trust me on this, if you do it right and he's interested you can't lose. Just take it offline as soon as feasible or it will likely stay on FB, know what I mean?
Friday, March 26, 2010
A: I don't think it's so much the hints we give as it is the hints/signs we aren't giving! If we like you, we're definitely gonna try to flirt back. If we always answer when you call, if we always "happen" to be at every event you attend, if we always giggle at your very corny jokes, then we're into you. If at times we ignore you when you speak, if we rarely answer when you call, if we are frequently "busy" when you invite us to do something, probably not that into you. It doesn't matter HOW busy I am, if I really like you, I'll make time for you!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Guyru's perspective.
A: This is a touchy question and the regularly scheduled Guru of Dating had to call in some special help for this one. (As the dating guru, I still feel my input is necessary to ensure the girls get their fair say, so my random ramblings are in red).
I'm going to tell it like it is: This line is a way of making the girl feel like she's too good for the guy, in the hopes that it will soften the break-up for the girl (or at least shorten the break-up conversation for the guy). Read on, gentle reader...
When was the last time someone tried to break it to you gently that you've been dumped and you thought to yourself, 'You know, I really have gained 40 extra pounds and I am too possessive - he's right, I should be broken up with!' Yeah I know, probably never. To quote Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!" And guys know this. While the truth does hurt, I think I would rather you actually tell me the truth than "soften the blow". This way I'll know I'm super clingy or high maintenance or whiny and I'll know what to work on so it doesn't happen again.
The truth is, normal guys (and honestly, girls too) break up with their [in]significant-other for two reasons, and only two reasons. When was the last time you heard a break-up reason that wasn't really a fancy way of saying: a) 'I just don't like you anymore' or b) 'I like someone else more than you now'? Guys and girls, think about it; you know it's true.
You see, if you're breaking up with someone then by definition that person is NOT everything you could ever ask for (unless maybe there's some emotional baggage that needs unpacking, but that's for another Q&A). Relationships aren't based on logic. They're based on feelings. And sometimes feelings just can't be put into words. And other times, they probably shouldn't be. This is probably one of those times.
So just remember that if someone tries to tell you that you're too good for them, you are! Get out there and find someone too good for you. After all, that's why they kick you to the curb - so you can keep on rollin'!
Monday, March 22, 2010
drum roll please........
From time to time, we need a guys opinion around here! Sometimes we may even need a guy and a girls perspective on a subject....even if we don't agree! So, for the times you stump the dating guru, I introduce to you The Dating Guyru! Look for his inaugural post coming soon!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
fashion faux pas.....
A: If you liked how he treated you and thought there was some "chemistry" then yes, he at least deserves a second chance. If there were no butterflies, then send him a thank you note & include a link to Stacy & Clinton's "What Not to Wear"!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
poop or get off the pot......
A: Well, first of all, the more you nag, the more he will be pushed away. Second of all, does he even want to get married? If not, then you're barking up the wrong tree. What is holding him back? Does he have financial concerns, commitment issues, or a certain goal that he is waiting on (i.e. when I graduate, then we'll get married).
It also depends on your age. The younger you are, the longer I think you need to date before you make a huge commitment like marriage. If you are older, then you know what you want in a spouse, and once you find it, you shouldn't have to keep dating & dating & dating.
I have two wonderfully wise thoughts on the subject:
For you: He's never gonna buy the cow if you're giving him the milk for free.
For him: either poop or get off the pot!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
the break up
A: I haven't mastered that task yet, so if you discover the magic answer, please let the rest of the world know. The only advice I can give is focus on the good things in your life rather than focusing on the person you lost. Know that one day you will meet the man/woman of your dreams, and you will realize why it never worked out with anyone else.