A: This is a touchy question and the regularly scheduled Guru of Dating had to call in some special help for this one. (As the dating guru, I still feel my input is necessary to ensure the girls get their fair say, so my random ramblings are in red).
I'm going to tell it like it is: This line is a way of making the girl feel like she's too good for the guy, in the hopes that it will soften the break-up for the girl (or at least shorten the break-up conversation for the guy). Read on, gentle reader...
When was the last time someone tried to break it to you gently that you've been dumped and you thought to yourself, 'You know, I really have gained 40 extra pounds and I am too possessive - he's right, I should be broken up with!' Yeah I know, probably never. To quote Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!" And guys know this. While the truth does hurt, I think I would rather you actually tell me the truth than "soften the blow". This way I'll know I'm super clingy or high maintenance or whiny and I'll know what to work on so it doesn't happen again.
The truth is, normal guys (and honestly, girls too) break up with their [in]significant-other for two reasons, and only two reasons. When was the last time you heard a break-up reason that wasn't really a fancy way of saying: a) 'I just don't like you anymore' or b) 'I like someone else more than you now'? Guys and girls, think about it; you know it's true.
You see, if you're breaking up with someone then by definition that person is NOT everything you could ever ask for (unless maybe there's some emotional baggage that needs unpacking, but that's for another Q&A). Relationships aren't based on logic. They're based on feelings. And sometimes feelings just can't be put into words. And other times, they probably shouldn't be. This is probably one of those times.
So just remember that if someone tries to tell you that you're too good for them, you are! Get out there and find someone too good for you. After all, that's why they kick you to the curb - so you can keep on rollin'!
Is Guyru single?