I now have inspiration for a new post.
Guys, Guys, Guys.....we need to talk. Seriously, pull it together. Grow up. We're not door mats that you can walk over. We're not sitting around waiting on you. We're amazingly awesome, powerful women. Accept it.
In middle school, ok even in high school, our worlds revolved around you. Everything we did revolved around how it was going to make us look to guys. We cared about what we wore (even though later in life we learn y'all don't even pay attention to our new shoes or amazingly cute purses) because we wanted to look great for you. We tried to go to the "right" places because we wanted you to notice. We joined the right clubs so you would think we were cool.
In college, some girls truly are there only to earn their MRS degree. Some are still just as boy crazy, while some use the time to develop amazing life long friendships. Either way, we are still "on the hunt" for you. Then.....we graduate. We still have not found "Mr. Right" and we eventually move on. We get a job, we learn to pay our own bills, we learn to fix things, because we have to, not because we want to, we become successful. Our worlds no longer revolve around you. Do we give up? Absolutely not, but our worlds do not revolve around finding Mr. Right anymore. We have come to realize that at the right time he will come along. We begin to plan our worlds around our dreams and desires....yes I said OUR dreams and desires. It is ridiculous for a young woman to plan her life around a man who is non-existent in her life yet. Does this mean we no longer plan on marrying? Nope, you just have to learn that you can't sit around on your butt planing for a man who may not come for another five years. Do the things that make you happy. Get a dog (if you want one, if you're not sure if you can handle it, get a plant first). Buy a house. Go to Alaska. Sponsor a child. Volunteer. Enjoy life. You only get one. Never have any regrets. Make the dash count!
Well said friend. Well said!
ReplyDeleteYou got it, girl! Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteI just realized someone voted this post as "dumb". I'm sure it's a boy. Who isn't married. and hasn't had a date in over a year....or two. :)