A: I say yes, in this day of technologically savvy people, it would not be "inappropriate" to befriend a potential suitor (or suitee, I don't think that's actually a word, but I like it; therefore I'm going with it). It gives you the chance to see if you have similar interests, and it takes away some of the "scariness" of the "blind" part of the date. If there are certain parts of your profile you do not want this potential date to view: a) should these things even be on your profile, and b) if it's perhaps work information, and you don't want them to know where you work just yet (so they won't be sending you flowers pre-date or anything creepy like that), then you could create a limited profile view for him (or her as the case may be) to view. If by chance you do have to defriend them later, who cares, it's not like they will get a notification that says "Jane Doe just defriended you" they will HOPEFULLY get the hint if they search for you and y'all are no longer friends.
As it turns out, I've encountered this question myself. I don't really see any harm in "friending" them. In fact, the only harm I can see is that it would take some of the mystery out of the whole "getting to know" the other person (remember my comments on "too much information"). Not that it's a bad thing to find some commonality, it's just the "mystery" of dating is what's so entertaining (entertaining for women, that is; for some reason mystery = "romance" for women. Guys don't think that way.) It's actually probably a good thing for guys too, because the candidate can go ahead and pass or fail the attractiveness test! (Thanks Guyru, now if someone is trying to set us up, the guy friends us, and then never asks us out, we're going to think it's because he thinks we're ugly!)
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