A: Well, first of all, it depends on the type of lady you are trying to bring home.
First we will discuss the dwelling...
Apartment = Less able to commit. With an apartment you are only having to "commit" to something for one year at a time. It also says you don't have time to commit to yard work or house repairs (or don't want the responsibility). It could also say you do not plan on staying in the town for an extended period of time.
House = A little less of a commitment-phobe (even if you are renting). The location of the house is important also. In a college town, if you live in a house close to campus it says you're a little more on the social side of life. You like to party it up and be in the action when there are activities on campus. If you live in a neighborhood it says you prefer more of a family like atmosphere, quiet nights, walks, and sitting on the porch sipping lemonade (which, who does this by the way?). If you live out in the boon-docks it says you're a country boy at heart and like outdoorsy activities.
Now the living situation...
Alone = a little more stable, have grown out of the college life, you're more into "grown up" things. Could also say you've grown to have things your way, and could have issues in transitioning to "sharing space" again. It also says you can afford to live alone.
With roommates = Still enjoy the company of others, possibly could mean you haven't realized you're not in college anymore OR it could say I can't afford to live by myself. Depending on the number of roommates with whom you live also says a little something about you. One roommate is not too big of an obstacle, you may have to negotiate for time in the den, but overall, there aren't too many issues to deal with. Multiple roommates could bring about problems, rarely will you have the house to yourself, much less the den or kitchen.
With parents = Two words: Momma's boy. Not cool. (Unless you're still in high school)
On the dating subject, would girls prefer the guy to have a nice place by himself, or a dump but with fun roommates (I guess you could spend most of your time at the girls place)?
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "we" would prefer the nice place to yourself. These "fun roommates" could still be in your life, just as friends, rather than roomies. While it is nice for the guy to come to your place rather than having to go to his, it would be nice to occasionally be able to hang out at his place. For instance, if he wanted to cook for you, but had to do it at your place, you're still left cleaning up (well, at least I am because I'm kinda OCD about it).
ReplyDeleteBUT....the ultimate thing is, do what YOU want! You're the one who has to live with the decision daily, and you shouldn't base your decision on what a female MIGHT want. She'll like you for who YOU are, not where you live, unless she's super materialistic, in which case, you probably don't want her anyway.
Good to hear that girls would prefer the "nice place to yourself", since that is what I have ended up having to do. I still think the "office" with a sleeper sofa beats a super-crowded 10x12 bedroom with a queen size bed, but it may not matter if I close the bedroom door anyway :).