A: It sounds like you read his profile and he actually included some accurate/helpful info. So, your first goal is to get him the heck off of FB unless you want a pen pal!
Here's how you do that:
Scour (ladies he means stalk) his profile info for some kind of activity or place he might frequent (I'm assuming he's local/in your area). Then, you don't have to be totally forward and "man it up" or anything (yes, I'm being sarcastic at male/female relations there; I hope you picked up on it) BUT drop some kind of hint for an offline meeting. For example, say he posts something like "I shore luv me some runnin'!" Then you open up with something corny like "Hey I just realized I went to elementary school with you" (unless you were a big dork in elementary school), then blah blah blah, THEN you drop your hint for him to pick up on and act on. In this example: "I just started running 30 minutes ago! (How ironic.) Where do you run?" Or something like that. You see where I'm going with this: do just what the Dating Guru would advise, plus take it the heck off FB quick unless you want a platonic pen pal, ya dig? If he's at all interested he'll pick up on the hint and respond with "I run out at tha rodeo field at Sokol park. Y'ought to come run sometime, I'll slow down fore ya." Apparently the guyru thinks you have fallen in love with a rodeo clown!
Trust me on this, if you do it right and he's interested you can't lose. Just take it offline as soon as feasible or it will likely stay on FB, know what I mean?
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