You all remember back in junior high when one of your female friends liked a boy and was like 'he's so cute but don't tell anyone I like him!' Well, the normally well-informed and always correct Guyru of Dating has realized today that this behavior continues in full grown, otherwise normal women (in case you can't tell, he's totally talking about me, glad to know I'm "otherwise normal") when there's a guy they like. The Guyru of Dating is always honest with ya, loyal readers, and I'm honestly perplexed by this. I mean, if a guy has a buddy with an interesting (read "good looking") female friend then he's gonna say to his buddy "Dude, she's hot! Hook me up!" But apparently it doesn't work the same way for the ladies. So, Guru of Dating, please elaborate on the female perspective on this situation."
Well, Guyru, in reality, it is the truth. We are terrified for the guy in question to actually find out we like him. We are afraid he may say "ewww gross, I would never date her", and then our soul, our ego, our entire world would be crushed, because we have then been rejected. We are also afraid that we may actually run into him in public after this rejection, and we would then want to crawl under a rack of clothing, which would be embarrassing when we have to crawl out from under the rack of clothing and people stare at us.
This is how we would like for the situation to play out: girl likes guy. girl & guy have a mutual friend. girl tells mutual friend about this "crush". mutual friend then brings up said girl in a casual conversation with said guy. if said guy gives any indication that he is also interested in said girl THEN mutual friend tells said guy that said girl likes him. otherwise, situation goes unmentioned, said girl is informed that said guy did not show any interest. said guy never knows someone thought he was a hottie. did ya get that?
So, to summarize, the guy is still going to have to "man it up" one way or another!
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