Mistake #3: Disclosing uncomfortable medical conditions immediately.
I'm not going to go into too much detail on this because it's a whole other topic in itself and it can involve some very sensitive ethical issues, like STDs, and I'm not touching that. (No pun intended.) But, you sure wouldn't want to let it slip that you "thought you had chronic nosebleeds until the doctor said they'd stop if you'd just keep your finger out of there." Or that time you had to be treated for lice, again...last week. Guys, keep it clean; and by clean I mean hygienic. Don't tip her off that you're a slob right off the bat. (There's one exception: if you're in a band, you are exempt from showering, getting a haircut, wearing "normal" clothing, etc.) Guru - seeing the pattern here? Your response would be...?
As always, right again Guyru. Any chronic health condition/improper hygiene condition gives us the wrong impression. You don't want to "air your dirty laundry" up front! Now granted, if you're allergic to peanuts, and we were trying to showcase our Betty Crocker skills by making you a peanut butter pie, please let us know about this allergy. We won't be offended, and we will appreciate not having to perform CPR on our first date.
*If you are in a band, please continue to brush your teeth.
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