A: Well young lads, there is a combination of factors that leads us to this. First, you must remember that it's really a small, small world and girls talk. You'll soon learn that girl #1's first cousin's best friends sister is girl #2's sister-in-law (or something similar). Second, while it does sound crazy, our gut instinct is truly a God given gift that leads us to many conclusions, which usually end up being factual. Third, we can tell by your actions that you're not ready to be exclusive. If you were wanting to be exclusive you would show more interest in us, and be more purposeful in your efforts to date us. Y'all are also horrible at making up excuses when we ask you to do something & you have plans with another girl.....we see right through them!
Now, on to the second part of your question. Why does that make a girl want to be exclusive even more? Have you ever heard the phrase "you always want what you can't have?" When we know (or have a feeling) you are "playing the field", it makes us want to "win". We see it as a challenge because you have several girls you are juggling, and we want to know that we were the best of all of your choices. We want to know that we were the one who was able to make you "settle down". It all comes down to the games we play in the dating world.
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