Suppose you are at a coffee house. They come around offering a free cup of their new flavored coffee. Sure, you'll try it. What's it gonna hurt? If you don't like it, you're not out any money, & you'll just throw it away and buy something you actually do like (for me, it's white chocolate mocha with whip...yum!)
Now, if they come to your table and offer the same cup of coffee for $5 would you be as likely to buy it? Probably not. You wouldn't want to spend your money until you were certain you'd like it. Maybe you'd ask a friend about it, read some reviews, and then, after you're SURE you'll like it, the $5 would be worth the cup of coffee.
As a woman, do you want to be the free cup of coffee? The one that everyone tries because there are no strings attached? The one that will just be thrown away if it's not good enough? Of course not! You want to be the one that was worth waiting for, you want to know a man chose you after finding out what wonderful qualities you had to offer (after he got "good reviews" on you, he now knows that just like a good mocha, you're hot, you're sweet & the milk ain't spoiled!).
As a guy, would you want to date the "free cup of coffee" or the more esteemed "$5 cup"?
Just food for thought (no pun intended!).
I'd want the free cup - If it was good enough, I'd pay $5 for more!