Thursday, February 11, 2010

relationship vs religion

Q: What do I do when me & my boyfriend can't see eye to eye on our religious beliefs?

A: Honey, do I know that argument all to well! First you need to decide how important your belief system is to you. You need to decide what you are willing to compromise, if anything. If you have minor differences there may actually be a solution. If you have major differences, you will never see eye to eye on your beliefs and it will cause serious problems if you move into a marriage relationship. Would I ever suggest a marriage dissolving over these differences? Absolutely Not! If you are already in a committed relationship, you are going to have to have a tough discussion about the topic. You can't let it be the elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss. You need to list the things that are important to you, have your partner list the things that are important to them, and then focus on the things that you do agree on. Find a place to worship where you can share the "likes". Instead of saying "I don't like this @ your church, or I don't like that" try finding the positives and then attempt to find a place of worship that blends the positive aspects that you both agree upon.

happy dating! `A

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrea,

    I had that same problem this week! It is super stressful to try and argue with someone who has different beliefs than you, especially if you both are in the same religion. (See Messianic Judiaism versus Christianity). Sadly, he felt we didn't see eye-to-eye on his Torah observance and ended our "discussions".

