Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! - for the singles

To the happy couples out there, Valentine's Day is a day of love, a day of sweet romantic gestures. To the rest of us, Valentine's Day stinks! It's a reminder that "nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms....." [that's a song from elementary school in case you didn't know].

So, how can you spend the day not throwing pity parties, and playing sad love songs all day?

This year, the fact that it is on a Sunday is truly helpful. You will not have to watch the trail of red roses, chocolates, and teddy bears go floating by your desk all day long. Unless, you decide to go out to eat that night, you could actually probably get through the day without a single hint of "lovey doviness" in your view.

Here are some suggestions to make your Valentine's Day a happy day!
  • Get a group of friends together, a BIG group of friends, and go somewhere fun. Last year a group of us went to a restaurant where they were having a karaoke contest. This was definitely not a place couples were heading for a romantic night. It was one of the best Valentine's Days I've had in a long time!
  • Have a cook out @ your house for all the single ladies [you were suppose to start singing w/Beyonce there]. Celebrate your life w/a party, make cup cakes, decorate cookies, & of course, EAT THEM!
  • Get a group together to play flag football.
  • Feel good about yourself, and volunteer to keep someone's children so they can have a romantic date to celebrate their marriage.
  • Find a home bound senior citizen, make them a Valentine's card & take them flowers. (Yes, it can be a construction paper card like you made in 2nd grade.)
  • Go to a comedy club
  • Host a game night @ your house
  • and lastly, if you want to torture yourself, sit @ home, alone, watching sappy romantic comedies, order pizza, eat popcorn, and cry yourself to sleep.
I pray Valentines 2010 will be the best yet! ;)

happy dating!`A

1 comment:

  1. Love these ideas! You planning to host the single ladies cup cake making night?! ;)
