MEN. LISTEN TO ME. PLEASE. It is for your own good. STOP (collaborate and listen) sorry, back on track now....STOP talking the entire time, STOP talking about past relationships (until the appropriate time in a relationship, which is NOT the first date). ASK your date about her likes and dislikes, ask about her family, her job, her friends, her dog, her cute shoes....ok, don't go there, she'll think you swing the other way, or at least missed a good opportunity. However, make sure there is balance in the conversation. Don't ask so many questions that she feels like she is being interviewed by US Weekly.
Whew, you made it through the dinner (and a movie if you lack a creative bone in your body), now you've just pulled up to drop her off. Go with a side hug. Always a side hug on the first date. It keeps from scaring the bee-jeezies out of her if you go for a FFH (full frontal hug) and she thinks you might try to go in for a kiss.
If you enjoyed yourself, you can end with "I had a great time, and I'd like to do it again sometime". If you did NOT enjoy yourself, do NOT say you'll call her, do NOT say you'd like to do it again, simply, say "thanks so much for letting me take you out, have a great night"
the end. obey the rules. quit being stupid.
WOOHOO! You're back! LOVE this post! As long as there are single men, there will always be a need for the blog! ;)