Q: I have a friend of the opposite sex, who I really do like "as a friend", but NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING more. He doesn't seem to get the hint, and continues to do things to try to impress me, I guess in the hopes that I will eventually like him. I've told him on numerous occasions that we will never date. Should I continue to be friends w/him if he keeps hoping it will become something more, or have I covered my bases by already telling him I do not ever see us dating?
A: This is such a tough situation, because it does sound like you value his friendship, but you also know he continues to hope for more. My suggestion is to prevent one on one time with him. If he calls, you can still talk to him, if y'all do stuff in groups, it's fine to continue to be around each other. I'm sure it is in the one on one times he gets his hopes up that there may be a smidge of hope that you could become a couple.
happy dating! `A
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