Q: My girlfriend keeps comparing me to her ex. What should I do?
A: This is a problem she should have delt with prior to beginning a new relationship. You need to get out now, because it will not stop. She needs to heal before she attempts to date again. There is nothing you can do to "fix" it. We all learn from previous relationships. We learn there are some things we want in relationships, and some things we learn we NEVER want in a relationship. However, if we keep comparing everyone to a previous boyfriend/girlfriend no one will ever be good enough.
Everyone should have a clean slate when you begin a relationship with them. The FIRST time you know they are not "the one" you need to end the relationship. It is not fair to continue dating, continue growing closer, and let the other partner fall more in love with you, when you know you're not going to spend the rest of your life with them. Never date someone just to have a boy/girlfriend!
happy dating!
Dead on A!!!! RUN Q! RUN!